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Landart Eisenberg

  • Landart Eisenberg Unterberg 2 8383 Eisenberg an der Raab → (Karte)

Opening and Performance by the artist - 2 PM Landart Eisenberg

Sozialstau vs. bunkerdurchfall
Christian Eisenberger

Christian Eisenberger, Installation View

He came saw and made, the whole mostly gently and quietly, for scenic designs or changes he is known. With high precision and poetry, the works often walk towards their transience. For a breath of time of a human readable symbolism transformed. One may always be curious what happens. Spontaneity is always required until the last moment of the exhibition preparation, the plannable is not included in Eisenberger's world. For the Hochsommer that means that you can feel surprised.

5. August

Kunsthalle Burgenland

5. August

Hafen 42